Is your business safe? Your assets and data secure? How do you know? You have security in place, but does it work… let bitConcat Cyber Security help secure your business.



Think about your most valuable assets. Your customer information, your data, your intellectual property. How do you know it is safe? You may have your firewalls, your protections but do you know they work?

To ensure their effectiveness, it is crucial to test them. The most reliable approach is to engage an independent cyber security consultant with the same skill set as threat actors. Don’t leave your security to chance. Make sure the money you invest in security is well spent.


Our cyber security audits are often used independently to assess a company’s security posture and baseline, or in line with helping to determine regulatory compliance, in the wake of current increased legislation (such as DPA, PCI DSS, GDPR) that specifies how organisations must deal with information.

Gaining a certain level of established security baseline and/or compliance with regulation can often aid a business to open doors. Lucrative sales and investment channels and partnerships open up which were otherwise closed off. These include government contracts; work with companies who have strict 3rd party security agreements in place. Security can drive business and your bottom line in addition to securing your organisations future.


Compliance has a number of competitive advantages. From building customer and partner trust to enabling our clients to work with governments throughout the world. Any decent-sized organisation needs to prioritise compliance, risk assessments, and audits. By aligning our clients with preferred frameworks, we help them develop and compete effectively in their industry sector.

The gains far outweigh the time and investment many times over. With penalties for data breaches growing just showing you take security seriously is an absolute necessity in modern business not a choice.


The EU GDPR extends the data rights of individuals and places a range of new obligations on organisations that process personal data.

GDPR has transformed how personal data is collected, shared, and used globally. Organisations will need to make changes to policies and processes, as well as technical and organisational measures.



COBIT enables clear policy development and good practice for IT control throughout an organisation, emphasizing regulatory compliance whilst helping to increase the value attained from IT.
When properly implemented, COBIT standard allows evaluation and control of the information environment so that it constantly contributes to the company’s operational and business objectives.

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is the international standard that provides the specification for an information security management system (ISMS).

The Standard is designed to help organisations manage their information security processes in line with international best practice. Technology and vendor neutral it is applicable to all organisations – irrespective of their size, type, or nature.


Implementing these five controls correctly will help protect your organisation and commercially sensitive data.
Certification shows your commitment to security, demonstrating to your business partners, regulators, and suppliers that you take cyber security seriously, it gives you a competitive advantage, particularly with rivals without accreditation. Certification is a mandatory requirement to work with the UK government.


Our Qualified Security Consultants provide experience and practical advice to help you improve your current security programme and meet the requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Hardware and software in the payment’s ecosystem are driving the demand for a more technical cyber security control.




A bitConcat compliance audit is a comprehensive review of your organisation’s adherence to regulatory guidelines. Our Independent professional security consultants will evaluate the strength and thoroughness of your compliance preparations and adherence. Auditors will review many targets including but not limited to, security polices, user access controls, risk management procedures over the course of a full compliance audit.

What we look at

The content of our compliance audits varies depending on factors such as the organisation’s nature (public or private), the type of data it handles, and whether it transmits or stores sensitive financial information. The specific regulations applicable to the audit also play a role. For example, Sarbanes-Oxley requirements necessitate backing up and securing electronic communications with robust disaster recovery infrastructure and policies. Healthcare providers that store or transmit health records, such as personal health information, are subject to alternative regulations. Financial services companies who transmit credit card data are most certainly subject to PCI DSS requirements. In each case, your organisation must be able to demonstrate compliance by producing a comprehensive audit trail.

Hands on Audit

bitConcat compliance auditors will generally ask your CIOs, CTOs and IT administrators/department heads a combination of targeted questions. These will be asked over the course of a thorough audit. These questions may include, but are not limited to, who added users and when, who has left the company, whether user IDs are revoked, and which IT administrators have access to critical systems.

IT administrators usually prepare for compliance audits using event log managers and robust change management process software. These will allow tracking and documenting authentication and controls in your IT systems. bitConcat will independently strive to comprehensively audit in a thorough and helpful manner. Enabling your organisation to be fully compliant and will therefore not be subject to costly fines or business sanctions.

What We DO

Security testing is essential to determine whether products, applications, networks, and organisations are sufficiently resistant to cyber security threats. We provide a broad range of services to help organisations understand their vulnerability to attack, and for vendors and governments seeking to assure products to specific criteria.

Our experience and use of cyber intelligence allows us to test for the most advanced targeted cyber threats. We are certified professionals, providing security testing services to a wide range of industry sectors.

As part of our core cyber security services we develop bespoke cyber software to detect and control threats through control centre management and Ai powered detection. Threat management is imperative. However the first line of defence for any company is always a baseline of secure business software powering your company. We build bespoke business applications whether it’s a CRM or ERP or a whole host of business support solutions, we build with security from the ground up to make sure your company and data are always as secure as possible,  giving you the business edge while supporting your business goals.


Our cyber threat intelligence team investigates and tracks cyber attacks against organisations around the world. From this we build rich profiles of high-priority threat actor campaigns which we continuously update as new information is obtained. Our threat intelligence customers receive contextualised reports via a secure portal.

We also provide access to our technical analysts, who can assist with investigating suspected cyber-attack activity. This spans the range of activities from deeply technical malware reverse-engineering to the broader understanding of socio-political situations. Our threat intelligence services enable both enhanced threat detection and greater situational awareness. In addition to regular reporting, our experts actively conduct bespoke assessments to understand how and why an organisation might face attacks and who the potential perpetrators could be. This approach enhances the value of penetration testing by ensuring it aligns with the latest threat intelligence and is tailored to your specific business context.

This insight enables penetration testing services to be more targeted and focused in their approach.

We are certified professionals and provide threat intelligence services globally.


Penetration testing ensures that products, applications, and networks are sufficiently robust to cope with cyber threats.

Prior to penetration testing being conducted, specific threat understanding can be acquired to provide added insight into contemporary cyber risks. Penetration testing can then mimic the approaches that real, current threat actors can adopt in attacking the network, identifying relevant security weaknesses, vulnerabilities and possible attack vectors in the process.

We conduct these tests to minimise detection, simulating the strategies employed by actual attackers. This allows us to identify critical security weaknesses and assess the effectiveness of SOC and security monitoring capabilities. We measure how quickly they detect an ongoing attack and evaluate their response.

This approach enables us to offer comprehensive and relevant recommendations which enable organisations to determine the best way to allocate resources to further enhance their protections and more effectively mitigate their cyber risks.

We are certified professionals and provide security testing services to a wide range of industry sectors.


Our advisory services provide a clear understanding of an organisation’s exposure to cyber attack, and the impact it would have on their business. This enables them to make informed investment decisions and to put pragmatic, cost effective cyber defences in place.

Our cyber security strategy, improvement and advice services help boards, and their businesses understand and tackle cyber risks and opportunities cost- effectively and with minimum disruption.

Assurance and compliance are the foundation for effective business in the modern era. Our experience and pragmatic, cost-effective approach means that we help all of our clients develop policies and procedures that reflect the realities of their business and goals. Our clients include a wide range of commercial organisations, we support these everyday in gaining information assurance accreditation.

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